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Tokuma Anime Picture Book Mini Full Of Studio Ghibli Heroines

Nausicaä, the daughter of the chieftain, scooped up the valley of the wind. The gods come to heal the tired. 10-year-old Chihiro works at a hot water shop. Riding a broom and starting a "delivery shop",

13 year old witch Kiki. Kaguya-hime was brought down from the moon to earth.

She flew in a red flying boat, "Porco" Porco who fights with the sky pirates, Howl, a wizard who says he\'s really a timid person.

"Here, let me work!"

"Ponyo, I love you so much"

" are beautiful"

Various characters appearing in Studio Ghibli movies,

Focusing on the "heroine"

A fun picture book introduced with famous lines.

"Lots of Studio Ghibli vehicles"

"A lot of creatures" "A lot of food"

Following "Various Life in Studio Ghibli",

The latest issue of the popular "Anime Picture Book Mini" series!

Following "A lot of Studio Ghibli vehicles", "A lot of creatures", "A lot of food", and "Various lifestyles", the latest issue of the "Mini Anime Picture Book" series, 5th edition!

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